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Factors That Affect The Aging Of Skin:

There are two factors that affect the aging of skin: extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic

or internal aging is biological aging that occurs with the passing of time. Extrinsic or

external aging is the natural process of biological aging compiled with exterior causes

such as sun exposure, air pollution, smoking, lifestyle, cosmetics and other allergens and lack of care. It is extrinsic aging that affects the appearance of the skin. The most damaging of all of these is sunlight. In fact, it has been said that up to ninety percent of the aging of your skin is due entirely to sun damage. If this is true, think of the control one has as to how much the skin actually ages.

Why is it that as we get older, our ability to repair and recover from damage is much less? The primary reason is the damage caused to cells by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that take electrons from healthy molecules. This creates a cycle of more free radicals and more damaged cells.

Internal activity of free radicals is a natural process and the body will normally adjust to this. However, there are many outside factors that increase free radical damage - number one is the sun and many others include: air pollution, smoking, foods, chemicals in everyday products and the air we breath. So you can see, there is a constant barrage of intruders on our skin.

It is collagen that gives our skin its youthful appearance. Unfortunately, it is also a primary target for free radicals. Collagen is a protein that forms a grid that holds other skin structures. Collagen fibers, when healthy keep the skin smooth and resilient, but become very stiff and brittle when damaged. This begins to give the skin a more aged appearance. Combined with free radical damage are various triggers, such as UVA rays from the sun, which creates inflammation within cells and collagen digesting enzymes. This process starts the formation of wrinkles.

Elastin is a protein and is a key molecule that affects the aging of the skin. It is more stretchable than collagen and also adds to the resilience and elasticity of the skin.

Besides the influence of free radical damage, an area that must not be ignored pertaining to health and aging of the skin is nutrition.

Changing how you eat or adding vitamin & mineral supplements to your diet is not going to erase wrinkles and stop aging. On the other hand, a diet of junk food or no food will eventually affect how your skin ages. Nutrition from within will encourage healthy cells but will not protect the skin from outside damage. That is why skin must have the correct topical skin nutrition. Deficiencies of certain nutrients - Vitamin A, B-complex, and essential fatty acids ­ are known to cause various forms of dermatitis and other skin conditions. Mild deficiencies may not directly affect the skin but may slow down the skin's ability to heal and renew itself.

Preventative skin care and sound lifestyle choices are the most beneficial ways to preserve the healthy skin we were born with.

source 2005 Rach Skin Care

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