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• Do silicones degrade in the environment? Yes. Silicones degrade, ultimately returning to sand, carbon dioxide and water.

• Are silicones sustainable? Yes. Silicones are derived from sand, the second most abundant mineral on earth.

• Do silicones cause acne, allergies or clog pores? No. Silicones are inert, non-reactive materials that have proven to be non-comedogenic and are extremely safe for topical use.

• Is natural safer? Natural is equated with “safety,” and yet ironically, essential oils are a prime example of natural ingredients laden with allergens.

there are many misconce­ptions about the use of silicones (and other ingredients) in beauty products that are unfortunately driven by marketers and influencers who are not aware of the actual facts or science in regard to ingredient safety and behavior.

In the world today, ingredient transparency and education in beauty products has become the standard expectation among consumers. It is the responsi­bility of all parties involved—from marketers, manufacturers and retailers, to influencers—to collabor­atively develop ingredient transparency along with quality consumer education to properly inform beauty users of which materials are safe and unsafe. When we allow misinfor­mation to flourish, alarmism is created and spread rapidly through social media platforms, exaggerating danger and causing the unnecessary excitement of fear.

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